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Prime Movers Physical Therapy PLLC

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Dr. Alexandr Golubenko, PT

Opens at 09:00 AM
Dr. Alex Golubenko is a co-founder and a Medical Director of the Back to Health Physical Therapy Clinics. He is a distinguished Physical Therapist with a wide range of professional credentials who dedicated his career to the pursuit of excellence in promoting maximum rehabilitation and well-being of his patients. Dr. Golubenko learned to appreciate the effectiveness of Physical Therapy as a young boy when, at age 13, he was severely injured and tore his hip muscles during a Soccer practice. He underwent aggressive physical therapy rehabilitation, and was able to experience firsthand the miraculous power of physiotherapy to heal and strengthen a human body. Through therapy, Dr. Golubenko was able to overcome pain and return to his active lifestyle so much so that not only he was able to resume his Soccer training, he had also earned his Candidate to Master of Sport in Table Tennis title following his injury. A lifelong interest in athletics and medicine enabled Dr. Golubenko to achieve academic excellence in becoming a Physical Therapy Doctor. He graduated 3rd in his class with a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy from SUNY Upstate Medical Center in 1998. He further advanced his Physical Therapy training by obtaining his Doctorate degree in 2009. His eagerness to provide his patients with the top-notch care has motivated Dr. Golubenko to attend numerous continuing education courses and seminars including Shirley Sahrmann: Muscle and Movement Imbalances; Maitland Spinal Mobilization; Kinesio Taping; Brian Mulligan: Mobilization with Movement levels I, II and III; SMT-1 to 3 of the James Dunning’s Spinal Manipulation Institute; Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction & Treatment; David Butler: Sensitive Nervous System Seminar; Positional Release Techniques Hands On Seminars on with Dr. Leon Chaitow.