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Grant Associates Career

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1. OUTREACH AND ADMISSIONS (OA) Welcome to Job Corps! In this primary phase, you will learn... - What Job Corps is all about - How we can help you start a career - What learning and working on a Job Corps center will be like - What your responsibilities will be as a student - What career training is available at your assigned Job Corps center 2. CAREER PREPARATION PERIOD (CPP) In your first 60 days on center, you will... - Create and commit to a Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP) with the help of Job Corps staff - Visit and learn about American Job Centers / One-Stop Centers - Learn and practice personal responsibility skills required at the workplace - Learn, demonstrate, and practice job search skills 3. CAREER DEVELOPMENT PERIOD (CDP) With the help of center staff and employers, you will... - Learn industry-related technical and academic skills - Demonstrate interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills - Practice social and personal management skills You will then: - Begin the job search process - Prepare for independent living 4. CAREER TRANSITION PERIOD (CTP) As a Job Corps graduate, you will... - Successfully get your first job - Find living accommodations, transportation, and family support resources needed to continue working (with the support of the center and other Job Corps service providers) - Continue to contact Job Corps service providers to seek their support, if needed - Respond to 13-week, 6-month, and 12-month survey requests