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Office Ops Inc

57 Thames St office ops inc officeopsinc williamsburgspace thames locatedeastblocks offmorgan ave applications secondhosts many rehearsals differentstudiosyou are interested visiting anprojectshortterm pleaseus giveschedule appointment servicioalquiler espacio para oficinas escritoriosfotogr fico cuarto oscuro estudioapartamentos consultores instalaciones planificaci del bath saunaсауна williamsburg & desk space rental service photographic darkroom studio apartments facilities planning consultants servicio de alquiler y escritorios аренда офисных и помещений 办公室&桌面空间出租服务 fotográfico estudio фотографической фотолаборатории студии 摄影暗房和工作室出租 apartamentos апартаменты 公寓 planificación консультанты по объектам планированию пространства 设施和空间规划顾问 brooklyn 57 st located in east two blocks off the morgan stop on l train we offer a range of spaces and services for both private professional  the second floor hosts classes events building is home to over 50 different offices studios if you an event project or short long term please email us give call schedule 11237 officeops performing arts venue 0 williamsburg train applications rehearsals studios event project rental appointment

The Sweatshop

262 Meserole St the sweatshop thesweatshop brooklyn meserolelocalesm sicaestudios grabaci ensayo williamsburg music venues recording & rehearsal studios locales de música музыкальные центры 音乐场所 estudios grabación y звукозаписывающие и репетиционные студии 录音和排练工作室 262 meserole st 11206 thesweatshoprehearsalrecordingstudios performing arts venue 260 0

Explode Studio

1301 Fulton St explode studio explodestudio brooklyn fulton comerciales servicio edici cintas cinematogr ficos bedford stuyvesant video production services commercial tape editing service motion picture film servicios de producción услуги видеопроизводства 视频制作服务 коммерческие 商业 edición видеомонтаж 录像带编辑服务 cinematográficos кинофильмы 电影电影服务 1301 st 11216 performing arts venue 0 services commercial

Five Myles Inc

558 Saint Johns Pl five myles inc fivemylesinc inccrown brooklyn saint johns comerciantes galer asartesuministros artesan adistribuidores consultores arte crown heights craft dealers & galleries arts crafts supplies art consultants y galerías de ремесленные дилеры и галереи 工艺品经销商和画廊 suministros artesanía предметы декоративно прикладного искусства 工艺品用品 distribuidores художественные консультанты 艺术画廊,经销商和顾问 558 pl 11238 fivemyles gallery performing venue 0 galería галерея искусств 美术馆 galleries

Bam Howard Gilman Opera House

30 Lafayette Ave bam howard gilman opera house bamhowardgilmanoperahouse gilmanhousefort lafayette ave salas auditorios salones fort greene halls auditoriums & ballrooms y залов аудиторий и бальных 礼堂,礼堂和宴会厅 brooklyn 30 11217 harvey theater bamharveytheater theaterfort fultonscreen count salascine movie theaters de cine кинотеатры 电影院 651 fulton st screen 1 rose cinemas bamrosecinemas cinemasfort avecount teatros theatres театры 剧院 4 academy of music brooklynacademyofmusic academymusicfort greenelafayette artsisoldest institution itsstill operationstates escuelasm sica states schools escuelas música музыкальные школы 音乐学校 founded in 1859 this performing arts center is the oldest its type still operation united brooklynacademyofmusicbam indie bamcafé burger joint lounge fl 2 fisher bamfisher venue 321 ashland pl 0 halls count

Brooklyn Conservatory of Music

58 7th Ave brooklyn conservatory of music brooklynconservatoryofmusic slopevocal ave instrucci nescuelasm sica park slope instruction vocal schools instrucción musical музыкальная инструкция вокал 音乐指导 声乐 escuelas de música музыкальные школы 音乐学校 学校 58 7th 11217 performing arts venue concert hall 0 instruction vocal


635 Sackett St littlefield sackettbarrasgaler aarte esc nicas gowanus bars art gallery performing arts barras бары 酒吧 galería de arte галерея искусств 美术馆 las artes escénicas исполнительское искусство 表演艺术 brooklyn 635 sackett st 11217 0 venue bar

The Green Building

452 Union St the green building thegreenbuilding unionlugares serviciosrecepci bodas planificaci consultores suministros boda gowanus wedding reception locations & services planning consultants supplies lugares y servicios de recepción места и услуги для приема свадьбы 婚宴接待地点和服务 planificación планирование консультанты 婚礼策划顾问 свадебные принадлежности 婚礼用品和服务 brooklyn 452 union st 11231 starling on bond starlingonbond starlingbondgowanus unioneventos floristasdise fico party event planners florists graphic design planificadores fiestas eventos вечеринок мероприятий 派对和活动策划者 floristas флористы 花店 diseño gráfico графический дизайн 平面设计 space performing arts venue 0

Celebrate Brooklyn At The Prospect Park Bandshell

9Th St & Prospect Park W celebrate brooklyn at the prospect park bandshell celebratebrooklynattheprospectparkbandshell artes esc nicas localesm sica performing arts music venues las escénicas исполнительское искусство 表演艺术 locales de música музыкальные центры 音乐场所 9th st & w 11215 0


315 Columbia St jalopy jalopyby mta carwalktrain carrollwest onplacewill become summit crossbqe continuecolumbia makisblocksbus optionboro hall southatlantic avenue ave taketowards ikea red hook getsts jay metrotech catch directionsbridge adamsrightat thend woodhullpast north exit east hamilton performances classesstory bookpress dedicated preserving promoting perpetuating folk organizationtax deductible contribution festival washington square parkcreate communal learning venuebanjo mandolinukelele fiddlejunior brooklynfolk festinstrument hangingvelvet panel curtainshours upcominginspection grade childrenoldmaking ensemble chorus musicnotessing longswhatup partiesperfect comida eat drinkwaterfront sale teatrales lugares columbia street waterfront district concert halls theatrical agencies places of interest theatres salas de conciertos концертные залы 音乐厅 agencias театральные агентства 戏剧机构 teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 315 st music venue & theater presenting "roots" beverages and food next door plus workshops instruments for 11231 theatre school jalopytheatreandschoolofmusic art gallery 0 galería arte галерея искусств 美术馆 music and door sale

Cora Dance

72 Van Dyke St cora dance coradance dancered baile red hook companies dancing instruction compañías de danza танцевальные компании 舞蹈公司 instrucción танцевальная инструкция 舞蹈指导 brooklyn 72 van dyke st 11231 performing arts venue 201 richards 5 0

On Stage At Kingsborough

2001 Oriental Blvd Bringing world class performances home. on stage at kingsborough onstageatkingsborough blvdofficeopen manhattan beach theatres teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 2001 oriental blvd box office is open 10 a m to 5 p monday through friday and one hour in advance of showtimes 11235 performing arts center @kingsborough community college kingsboroughperformingartscenterkingsboroughcommunitycollege venue 0 a m p showtimes

The 1896

215 Ingraham Street the 1896 the1896 williamsburg performing arts venue music brooklyn 215 ingraham street 11237 0

House Of Yes

2 Wyckoff Ave house of yes houseofyes wyckoff ave compaascirco informaci tur stica atracciones bushwick circus companies tourist information & attractions compañías de circo цирковые компании 马戏团公司 brooklyn 2 11237 venuesspaces aveartes esc nicas lugares espacios para eventos bath saunaсауна performing arts venues event spaces las artes escénicas исполнительское искусство 表演艺术 y места проведения и события 场地和活动空间 avenue clubes nocturnos bar night clubs ночные клубы 夜总会 0

House of Yes

2 Wyckoff Ave house of yes houseofyes williamsburg nightclub performing arts venue event space brooklyn 2 wyckoff ave 11237 0

Center For Performance Resear

361 Manhattan Ave Ste 1 center for performance resear centerforperformanceresear manhattan ave ste informaci dica investigaci williamsburg medical information & research información médica e investigación медицинская информация и исследования 医疗信息和研究 brooklyn 361 1 11211 4 centerforperformanceresearch performing arts venue 0

chez bushwick studio

304 Boerum St chez bushwick studio chezbushwickstudio williamsburg performing arts venue brooklyn 304 boerum st 11206 0

Scientific Laboratories Music Rehearsal Studios

8 Meserole Ave scientific laboratories music rehearsal studios scientificlaboratoriesmusicrehearsalstudios greenpoint performing arts venue brooklyn 8 meserole ave 11222 0

Panopy Performance Laboratory

104 Meserole St panopy performance laboratory panopyperformancelaboratory williamsburg art gallery music venue performing arts brooklyn 104 meserole st 11206 0 galería de arte галерея искусств 美术馆

SummerStage - Betsy Head Park

Betsy Head Park summerstage betsy head park summerstagebetsyheadpark brownsville performing arts venue brooklyn 11212 0