Southern Brooklyn Community Organization
4002 18th Ave southern brooklyn community organization southernbrooklyncommunityorganization socialhuman ave organizaciones comunitarias sociales humanos kensington organizations social service human services общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 человеческих служб 人类服务组织 4002 18th 11218 0
Cay Community Svc Organization
81 Willoughby St Ste 801 cay community svc organization caycommunitysvcorganization caysvc willoughbyste sociales comunitarias profesionales downtown social service organizations professional organizaciones de servicios организации социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 общественные 社区组织 профессиональные 专业机构 brooklyn 81 willoughby st ste 801 11201 0
Southern Brooklyn Community Organization
4520 18th Ave southern brooklyn community organization southernbrooklyncommunityorganization ave sociales borough park social service organizations organizaciones de servicios организации социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 4520 18th 11204 0
Community Care Organization
150 55th St community care organization communitycareorganization thserviciossaludel hogar hospicios enfermeras domicilio sunset park home health services hospices nurses servicios de salud en el домашние медицинские услуги 家庭保健服务 хосписы 收容所 a медсестер 护士家庭服务 brooklyn 150 55th st 11220 4 nurses home
Cay Community Services Organization Inc
81 Willoughby Ave cay community services organization inc caycommunityservicesorganizationinc incfort greeneorganizations socialbrooklyn willoughby ave humanos sociales fort greene human organizations social service organizaciones de servicios организации человеческих служб 人类服务组织 социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 81 11205 0
Menadvim Organization
263 Classon Ave menadvim organization menadvimorganization organizationbedford brooklyn classon ave organizaciones comunitarias bedford stuyvesant community organizations общественные организации 社区组织 263 11205 0
The Lima Organization
1050 Flatbush Ave the lima organization thelimaorganization limaorganizations brooklynave organizaciones comunitarias flatbush community organizations общественные организации 社区组织 brooklyn 1050 ave 11226 0
Cave Organization
58 Grand St cave organization caveorganization caveorganizations socialbrooklyn grandorganizaciones comunitarias sociales williamsburg community organizations social service organizaciones общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 58 grand st 11249 0
Voices Of Women Organizing
328 Flatbush Ave Ste 242 voices of women organizing voicesofwomenorganizing voiceswomenupstay informed donate vownowgt project maincampaigns accomplishments successes become member arrange speaker thingsdo need stoller supports battered effortstreated fairly ensureescapequickly sabra needsparticipate solving problems affect them believe issue learncityyear many turncriminal survivors often discoversystems intended protectpoverty fail worsevictimize leadershiphold abusers accountable actions victimization systemic policies practices betterprevent againstimprove failures give testimony powerful latina whiteimmigrant lesbianasmembership evolved survivoractivist tracey square stationfaxinfo findviews navigation listnear decembernofoundxab november monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sundayslopebrooklyn flatbush ave ste organizaciones comunitarias park slope community organizations общественные организации 社区组织 brooklyn 328 242 11238 0
United Jewish Organizations
32 Penn St united jewish organizations unitedjewishorganizations organizationscomida eat drink penn advocacy pantry vouchers withstampsprograms advocatesmanages individuals families additionally operatesonlegal clinicfederal institutions participates studies organizaciones comunitarias humanos sociales williamsburg community human services social service общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios человеческих служб 人类服务组织 социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 32 st founded in 1966 as a family preservation center of ujo provides and housing well public health development it also offers medical coverage that include information counseling enrollment the organization maintains food at local centers for senior citizens assistance with security stamps welfare programs advocates case manages operates an on site legal clinic works federal state city agencies hospitals learning concerning various issues is located n y 11249 0 center ujo housing services information counseling enrollment citizens security programs individuals on site clinic federal state agencies issues n y
Community Board
315 Wyckoff Ave Ste 2 community board communityboard wyckoff ave ste organizaciones comunitarias bushwick organizations общественные организации 社区组织 brooklyn 315 2 11237 0
Cay Community Service Organization Inc
65 Maspeth Ave Ste 2a cay community service organization inc caycommunityserviceorganizationinc maspeth ave ste asociaciones williamsburg associations ассоциации 协会 brooklyn 65 2a 11211 0
Abe Co Organization
289 E 53rd St abe co organization abecoorganization abeorganizationeast socialbrooklyn rdorganizaciones comunitarias sociales east flatbush community organizations social service organizaciones общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 289 e 53rd st 11203 0
Mixteca Organization Inc
245 23rd St mixteca organization inc mixtecaorganizationinc humansocialbrooklyn rdorganizaciones comunitarias humanos sociales greenwood community organizations human services social service organizaciones общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios человеческих служб 人类服务组织 социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 245 23rd st 11215 0
United Community Svcs
476 Malbone St united community svcs unitedcommunitysvcs crown heights organizations organizaciones comunitarias общественные организации 社区组织 brooklyn 476 malbone st 11225 0
Institute For Community
1402 8th Ave institute for community instituteforcommunity ave organizaciones comunitarias humanos sociales park slope organizations human services social service общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios человеческих служб 人类服务组织 социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 1402 8th 11215 0
Community First
4309 13th Ave community first communityfirst ave organizaciones comunitarias humanos sociales borough park organizations human services social service общественные организации 社区组织 de servicios человеческих служб 人类服务组织 социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 brooklyn 4309 13th 11219 0
Communty Partners Inc
653 Schenck Ave communty partners inc communtypartnersinc brooklyn schenck ave organizaciones comunitarias east new york community organizations общественные организации 社区组织 653 11207 0
Community Counseling
810 Classon Ave community counseling communitycounseling counselingcrown heights brooklyn classon ave supportat riskyouths families foundedoffers acupuncturegroup comunitarias crown social service organizations services human organizaciones de servicios sociales организации социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 asesoramiento консультационные услуги 咨询服务 humanos человеческих служб 人类服务组织 общественные 社区组织 810 & mediation also known as ccm is a organization that provides range of mental health education and housing support for at risk children youths founded in 1982 it offers substance abuse outpatient treatment academic assistance immigrant cultural adjustment anger management teenage pregnancy aids prevention the administers various rehabilitation case therapeutic foster care adoption programs conducts alcohol program which includes diagnosis acupuncture individual group family several empowerment workshops led by women who have located n y 11238 0 mediation ccm counseling health at risk children families 1982 treatment assistance adjustment management services rehabilitation programs program diagnosis acupuncture individual aids brooklyn n y
Lantern Community Svc
333 Kosciuszko St lantern community svc lanterncommunitysvc lanternsvcbedford stuyvesantbrooklyn comunitarias bedford stuyvesant organizations organizaciones общественные организации 社区组织 brooklyn 333 kosciuszko st 11221 0