Brick Theatre
575 Metropolitan Ave brick theatre bricktheatre metropolitan ave teatros williamsburg theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 575 11211 0
Id Theatre
143 E 8th St id theatre idtheatre kensington theatres teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 143 e 8th st 11218 0
Kings Theatre
1027 Flatbush Ave kings theatre kingstheatre teatros flatbush theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 1027 ave 11226 0
Barefoot Theatre
619 E 17th St barefoot theatre barefoottheatre thteatros flatbush theatres teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 619 e 17th st 11226 0
Millennium Theatre
1029 Brighton Beach Ave millennium theatre millenniumtheatre theatrebrighton teatrossalascine brighton beach theatres movie theaters teatros театры 剧院 salas de cine кинотеатры 电影院 brooklyn 1029 ave 11235 0
Alliance Resident Theatre
138 S Oxford St Ste 1b alliance resident theatre allianceresidenttheatre alliancetheatrefort greenebrooklyn oxfordste teatros fort greene theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 138 s oxford st ste 1b 11217 0
Target Margin Theatre
138 S Oxford St Ste 5a target margin theatre targetmargintheatre targettheatrefort greenebrooklyn oxfordste teatros fort greene theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 138 s oxford st ste 5a 11217 0
Theatre Live Inc.,
132 Grattan St Apt 4r Theatrical richness for your personal use; experience the power of theatre applied to life theatre live inc theatreliveinc inc theatreliveinc theatreincinc grattanapt weaccept paypal transactions herecan userichness ofmental subtle method rolescene plotenact scenes haunt letpast areteatros williamsburg theatres teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 132 grattan st apt 4r we also accept here you can use the richness of and mental bodies development that it produces through an easy fun role play scene plot construction character building up acting performing help relax enact let go past embrace your alternative self have experience work with both crude power dynamics are included 11237 0 transactions produces play development construction up acting performing relax you past self experience experience crude included
Deconstructive Theatre Project
1421 Dekalb Ave deconstructive theatre project deconstructivetheatreproject ave teatros bushwick theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 1421 dekalb 11237 0
Oracle Theatre Inc
563 72nd St # 2 oracle theatre inc oracletheatreinc oracleincbay salascine teatros bay ridge movie theaters theatres salas de cine кинотеатры 电影院 театры 剧院 brooklyn 563 72nd st 2 11209 0
Harry Warren Theatre
2445 Bath Ave harry warren theatre harrywarrentheatre theatrebath bath beach concert halls theatres salas de conciertos концертные залы 音乐厅 teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 2445 ave 11214 0
Roundabout Theatre Co Inc
300 8th Ave roundabout theatre co inc roundabouttheatrecoinc theatreincpark slopebrooklynth ave teatros park slope theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 300 8th 11215 0
Billie Holiday Theatre
1368 Fulton St billie holiday theatre billieholidaytheatre bedford stuyvesant theatres movie theaters teatros театры 剧院 salas de cine кинотеатры 电影院 brooklyn 1368 fulton st 11216 the thebillieholidaytheatre theater 0
Music-Theatre Group Inc
20 Jay St Ste 740 music theatre group inc musictheatre musictheatregroupinc music theatre musicgroup incmusic dumbobrooklyn jayste teatros dumbo theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 20 jay st ste 740 11201 musictheatregroup 10 900 0
Black Cat Theatre Group
446 Henry St black cat theatre group blackcattheatregroup blacktheatre groupcobble hillbrooklyn henryteatros cobble hill theatres teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 446 henry st 11231 0
Faux Real Theatre Co
39 Vanderbilt Ave faux real theatre co fauxrealtheatreco fauxtheatre coclinton hillbrooklyn vanderbilt ave teatros clinton hill theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 39 11205 0
Caribbean Cultural Theatre Inc
138 S Oxford St caribbean cultural theatre inc caribbeanculturaltheatreinc caribbeantheatre incfort greenebrooklyn oxfordteatros fort greene theatres teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 138 s oxford st 11217 0
Family Life Theatre Programs
78 Prospect Park W family life theatre programs familylifetheatreprograms familytheatre programspark slopebrooklyn prospect teatros park slope theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 78 w 11215 0
Theatre-The Emerging Amer Mmnt
104 Montgomery St # 1c theatre the emerging amer mmnt theatrethe theatretheemergingamermmnt theatre the theatreemerging mmnttheatre crown heightsbrooklyn montgomery teatros heights theatres театры 剧院 brooklyn 104 st 1c 11225 0
Paul Robeson Theatre
40 Greene Ave paul robeson theatre paulrobesontheatre theatrefort greenehallsbrooklyn ave fort greene concert halls theatres salas de conciertos концертные залы 音乐厅 teatros театры 剧院 brooklyn 40 11238 0 theater paulrobesontheater